Yoga Teacher Training, Course, Best, 2023, Accredited, London, Online, Hatha, Scaravelli Yoga

Unique life-changing Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yoga Teacher Training Course Unique life-changing Yoga Teacher Training Course - fully accredited and certified - 12 month course - London and Online - Sept, 2023 - Aug, 2024 - 5 modules - Personalised mentoring ...
IYTT, London Yoga, Teacher Training Course, 2023, 2024

IYTT Graduates Have Their Say

What our IYTT graduates say ... We believe we've created the best teacher training course in the UK (IYTT), so it's particularly heartening to hear all the positive comments from our wonderful graduates. If this ...
Yoga Teacher Training, Course, 12 months, London

NEW London Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yoga Teacher Training Course Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training (IYTT) is a thought-provoking teacher training course, which actively encourages a questioning approach to yoga practice and teaching.  During the course, we will encourage you to develop a deeper understanding of ...
Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

Individual Module Study : Continuing Professional Development Each module has been created as an individual, deep dive into the practice, inspired by the most current scientific anatomical and movement research. The daily schedule is intentionally ...
Barefoot, Feet, Scaravelli Inspired Yoga, Catherine Annis Yoga

Going Barefoot

Barefoot Yoga Feet Going barefoot is quite the best way to stimulate your feet and get to know them. In life and yoga, they are our foundation, our contact with the earth and every bit ...
Yoga Teacher Training, Graduates, Accredited Training, BWY Course

What our graduates say …

What our graduates say ... We believe we've created the best teacher training course in the UK, so it's particularly heartening to hear all the positive comments from our wonderful graduates. If this course resonates ...
Yoga, Teacher, Training Course, BWY, London, 2022

Changing Perspectives: Yoga Teacher Training

Changing Perspectives Yoga Teacher Training After a year of working remotely, it was an absolute treat to meet all our wonderful Intelligent Yoga teacher trainees in person for the first time this module. This work ...
Scaravelli Inspired Yoga, Teaching Styles, London Yoga ttc

Teaching Styles – What’s Wrong, What’s Right

What's your teaching style? How do you feel when you see images of yoga poses labelled as "wrong"? It makes me wonder about teaching style, clarity and how we can best support our students. Of ...
Intelligent Yoga, Teacher Training, BWY Course, London, Scaravelli Inspired Yoga

Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training

Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training As our wonderful guest teacher Gary Carter often reminds us, we all owe our understanding to those who went before - we stand on their shoulders. This is how yoga practice and teaching ...
Stretching, BWY, London Yoga Teacher Training Course, Intelligent Yoga, Accredited

No stretching required

London Yoga Teacher Training - Stretching No stretching required ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ There's a lot of talk in the yoga world about making space through the joints. It's understandable that this could be interpreted as meaning ...
London Yoga Teacher Training, BWY, British Wheel of Yoga

Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training Manual

Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training Manual Thank you to Jody Barber for supplying the latest section for our ever-expanding teacher training manual. Her new chapter: "The Shoulder Girdle and its 8 wonderful joints" covers material not ...
Jody Barber, Anatomy, Physio, Yoga Training

Our Amazing Anatomy

Our Amazing Anatomy - Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training Check out the positioning, weight and tightly packed nature of the organs in the abdominal cavity! Back in 2019, pre-Covid, Jody Barber helped us understand the relationship between ...